Wednesday, 20 November 2019


                           5 FACTS ON MUSIC

   For many years, Music has been one of the many natural studies of humanity. From beats to sounds, to Pop, Soul, R&B, Alternative, to Rap and Hip-Hop or simply to the calm and rhythmic chirping of birds at the break of dawn. All these add up to the symphony of notes that make melody. Before I get into more info about this topic, here are top 5 mind blowing facts about Music that will leave you dumb-founded. I mean... who doesn't like bopping to the beat of a fine tune.

1.) It can boost your learning capabilities and physical performance. These have been proven on a survey of students on how they are able to study. Listening to music, while reading or learning something could trigger the learning and you can memorise the stuff in a better way as compared to be complete silence. Although not many people apply this method of studying, it helps to attain concentration and focus. Pretty cool if you ask me!

2.) In the late 1950s, Music was seen as the central figure in shorts films, plays and ads of the TV screen at home. Famous movies like "the sound of Music" featuring the late phenomenon of  Julia Andrews, who starred in the movie series sang melodies like 'do re mi' These have made history, alongside other performances by Jackson 5, Aretha Franklin and The Beatles.

3.) Historians proved that many music masterminds ended up having defects in the course of breaking down notes and general field musicology. People like; Handel and Felix, these geniuses lost their sight, their sense of hearing and some even had mental disorders. This was the Western Art Music era. Woah!

4.) Now let's go back to music in basis, it affects the way we feel and it helps us to connect to the song playing. By this we can express our emotions. Many people create playlists that group their various songs or for other purposes for a party or something. I might write about my playlists of favourite songs of 2019 in my next blog. So, stay tuned guys!

5.) And finally, we feel the rhythm and groove of the music. It lightens up the special event or occasion, we tap and bop to the beat. It lightens up the room!

Blogger's Note: I know this few facts might be a bit short, but I gathered these few to start. I'm new to this, but that's it for now folks. Thanks for viewing!

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